Lately, because of my own personal clearing and cleansing efforts, I have been on a bit of a hiatus regarding Reiki and spiritual guidance for others, and have only done a few sessions where I have been sought out for it, in situations where I felt like the person had been led to me from a higher source for something that they needed to receive at that time, or that I needed to feel or hear myself. I have been caught in my own struggles of the demands of a business, family needs, issues of uncertainty, and various life dilemmas. It is not easy to reveal to the world that you have healing gifts or the ability to communicate with angels or spirit because it will cause strong criticism or mockery from many, yet when you have been awakened to such gifts, you also know that you cannot keep them secret. It has left me in a temporary stall, searching for which way to go next, in a period of gaining courage to move forward.
I recently provided a distance healing session and reading for a woman named Cathy in California. She had stumbled upon my website then emailed me, and as soon as I read her email, I felt that I needed to provide a session for her...that she was at an important crossroads in her journey and might need a boost or some reassurance. Although she was on the other side of the country, I felt an immediate connection to her when we spoke, and quickly began to feel the presence of angels and spirit eager to help and guide her. It always amazes me and leaves me in awe how that connection can work across the miles, and even across time if we ask for it and allow it. It is our own small minds that limit the ability and power that we have at our disposal.
Cathy told me that she was considering going back to school to become a Holistic Health Practioner and I immediately sensed that this was a Divine calling for her, not just a mere career change, and also sensed that any reservation she was feeling was outside of herself, stemming from her need to keep everyone else happy, to avoid criticism from others. I felt that she had some physical issues in her throat and chest area that were solely the result of not speaking and living her truth...that not being who she was intended to be was taking a physical toll on her body and settling in her throat and chest area because our throats represent our truth (speaking and living our truth), and our breathe is life itself...our breath is our connection to God. Her body was absorbing the damage of denying her true self.
She said that she had indeed felt this strong force leading her in the holistic health direction, but that some of those around her had been less than supportive, or possibly even negative about it. Her inner peace was available and waiting in the choice that she wanted to make and that she knew in her soul was the right choice. Her angst was from trying to keep everyone else happy instead of following that calling. It is in the resistance that we create problems for ourselves, physical or emotional, and create situations in our lives that are not aligned with our true purpose, which only bring us greater obstacles later. I do not believe that we should ever forego a calling in our soul just to keep others happy, and that doing so will only create larger problems in the long run.
Cathy told me that she did have lung problems and used an inhaler daily to help alleviate that. I explained to her that I felt very strongly that spirit was urging her to move forward and that if she would begin to speak her truth and live that truth, her lung problems would disappear. I told her to pray, meditate, and ask God, spirit, and angels for specific help and direction in moving forward, and assured her that if she did that, her own health issues would dissolve, making her an even better practioner and example for others in holistic healing. I later learned that Cathy had COPD (Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease), which is a serious progressive lung meaning that it gets worse over time and there is no cure. I do not usually make such bold statements about an absolute healing of a serious physical ailment, but in this case I felt so strongly guided and pushed by spirit to do so that I just laid it out there.
The story gets better from here...
Cathy emailed me a week or so later that she had moved forward by registering for classes in holistic health medicine, and in the process of doing so, she felt a physical change in her breathing. She was beginning to live the truth that she knew was within her and that was being revealed to her, even if others tried to stand in the way by their criticism or lack of support. She had started living in faith and asking for guidance from above, and getting real and verifiable results in very profound ways. She followed the healing light in faith, and received the rewards of doing so. Cathy gave me her permission to share her email:
Hi Sherri,
I wanted to touch base with you. Thank you for the reading and talk that we had earlier this month. It helped me get a clearer picture of my direction. Since our meeting many wonderful things have been happening that I wanted to share with you since you are someone who understands. As you know, I have decided to go to school to become a HHP. I told you that I was going to decide by that Friday after I spoke with you. I called and got an appointment to go in Friday to enroll. On the drive over there I was breathing and just taking in all the beauty around me asking my angels to guide me and all of the sudden when I took in a breath, the breath just opened up my lungs like a little blast of air that went way deeper than my normal breath. I even coughed a little. Then when I looked around me, everything was so much more clear and bright and vivid. It was like there was a bolt of new life that went through me. I imagined what I felt was similar to a new born baby when they take their first breath. That's what it felt like. I know you said I was having problems with my mouth and lungs because I was not speaking or living my truth. I was diagnosed 2 years ago with COPD and have been on a daily inhaler since then. Here's the cool part.... Tuesday I went to the Dr. for a TB test (which I needed to enroll in school) and I asked the Dr if he could do a chest x-ray just to see how my lungs were doing. He did the x-ray and came in the room and told me my lungs were totally fine. Clear, nothing wrong with them and that I should stop taking the medication. I was so excited, I thanked God, Raphael, and all the angels all the way home. I just wanted to share the good news with you.
I was so thrilled to read Cathy's email, and in awe of the power of God that is within our reach and our midst if we will only ask for it and proclaim it as our own. We are Divine healers, capable of accessing and receiving miracles if we will only have the faith to believe it, and to step outside of ourselves and our comfort zones to ask for and follow our Divine be all that we came here to accept and expand our talents.
Cathy may think that our connection only helped her, but what she may not realize is how much it helped me as well. To witness her miracle was a gift and a message to me that I should move forward too, no matter how others may criticize, no matter how odd some may think it is to have these gifts or talk to angels or spirit. She helped give me strength to follow my path, to give up any remnants of resistance that I may have within myself. I know God and angels put Cathy and I together for a reason, and I am grateful for that connection.
The cost of healthcare is a widely discussed topic in these times, with escalating costs creating a situation where fewer people can afford consistent care, with alternative healing modalities not used widely enough. Imagine the savings we could enjoy if we more widely embraced the healing of our emotional or spiritual needs to facilitate great physical healing. Cathy experienced healing almost immediately when she took the effort to listen to her soul, to seek greater communication with God, and to follow Divine guidance. So many people can benefit from opening their minds to alternative methods of healing and a deeper and more personal connection to their soul, and thereby a deeper connection to God and spirit. If you are interested in a distance session to help discover your plan or purpose, or to give you peace, clarity, or help with physical problems, please go to my website for information by clicking on the following link:
Victoria Update
An Eagle parent giving life lessons to his youngster in another Tree
Any one reading this blog must have wondered if I had fallen off the face
of the Ear...
11 years ago