Thursday, September 17, 2009

How Spirit Speaks

A few years ago when my life began to open up to gifts and abilities to connect with spirit, to the intuitive ability to feel and see people's issues, their pain, and their path out or their purpose - I went through several months of intense and profound occurrences as I learned to deal with gifts and experiences, trying to navigate how to use them. I was also learning to trust and believe in myself, as we are taught in our society that these things do not occur. It is not even easy to tell others that you have had this experience, because so many will either mock your or condemn you for it. It was a period in which I knew the events were very real, but still needed reassurance that I should stay on this path.

There were so many experiences that took my breathe away at the time, but because of the common pattern of occurrence that developed, many of them sometimes got lost or forgotten in my daily routine, or as new experiences would occur. There are certain ones that stood out, however, as they marked a new level of connection or were delivered in such an obvious way that I could not deny them...or they were so magical and special that the feeling of God and spirit around me was breathtaking. I try to remember the really big ones fairly often, so that I never forget the realness or the magnitude of the occurence. One such big moment that told me that I really did have this connection was early on, when I was still partly denying these gits, in a moment in which I felt as if felt St. Francis of Assisi was by my side.

I was spending time away on the gulf coast of Florida to clear my head, eliminate distractions, and allow spirit to connect. My rented condo was on the 14th floor with a lovely balcony overlooking the gulf. Being in the month of October, it was cool and beautiful weather, making it fabulous to open the windows and doors to breathe the salt air and hear the sound of the waves. I had been on a long walk in meditation, and came back feeling a powerful presence with me. The name St. Francis came into my head, but I doubted my own ability to connect, thinking myself foolish for the thought. But something led me to retrieve a set of divination cards depicting Saints and Masters of faith. I cut the deck...and pulled the card of St. Francis...first cut, first card. Even though this astonished me, I, in my worldly mode of disbelief, still wasn't sure if I had this right...How could this be possible?...Why would St. Francis be here for me?...I must be crazy!

So I said a prayer apologizing for my doubts and fears, and asked that if St. Francis was indeed there, could he please give me another sign. As I sat at the dining table in prayer, I opened my eyes several seconds later. At my feet was a little sparrow who had come to the balcony of this specific condo 14th floors up, ventured through the 6" opening from the sliding glass door, and hopped across the living room to the dining area, a good 12 feet inside the condo, just inches from my feet, staring up at me in stillness. I looked at this little sparrow, such an apt symbol of St. Francis, with tears in my eyes, thanking it for doing this unusual task. The little bird stared up at me, and after my brief conversation thanking it and acknowledging its deed, it turned around, hopped back across the living room floor, out the door, then flew away to go about its day.

It was so appropriate for a sparrow to appear to represent St. Francis, since he was well known for his connection to animals and particularly to birds, alleged to have given a sermon to large flocks of feathered friends who would come to him naturally. He is often depicted with a sparrow on his shoulder. St. Francis was also known for his powerful healing ability, and for walking away from his family's wealth and notoriety to follow his calling from God, even though it made all those around him question his sanity. He is known for being true to himself.

Although many people might attribute this to mere coincidence, it was far beyond that. The timing and the likeliness of a sparrow coming inside through my door at that exact moment was too much to explain as a chance occurrence. It was a moment, among many others, which affirmed to me that I was on the right track, that this calling was real, and that I was being asked to follow in faith, even if it meant sacrifice, even if it meant that those around me might question me or fail to understand.

If we are willing to listen, Spirit (which you may call God, Holy Spirit, Source, Allah) speaks to us in powerful ways. The more receptive we become to the idea, the more attuned we will become to connect to it or understand it, and the stronger the experiences will be. Ask God to communicate with you through experiences that will guide you to the next step on the journey to your Purpose. If you are willing, the signs will come, and will magnify as you begin to acknowledge and expect it. This process will be life changing, because Spirit can offer such a better perspective than we can see in our grounded Earthly existence. Spirit is always waiting to show us the way on our path or to show us our Purpose in this life. God, angels, and spirit are waiting to connect, if you will let them in. Ask and is there for you always.

The well known Prayer of St. Francis provides a beautiful way to ask...

Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.

1 comment:

Marion said...

Super post...I felt as if I could have written the first part, right up to the Sparrow. Little brown birds visit me like this whenever I ask for reassurance, whenever I ask for a sign. They truly are God's messengers!