Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Prayer of the Beautiful

This morning, a post on facebook made me think about how we often attach to the idea of our sin, our mistakes, our perceived flaws so much when we think about God. Through our conditioning, we sometimes focus on our shortcomings when we connect to Him, rather than our goodness. I believe that doing so creates a detachment and a separation, rather than a greater connection. I think perhaps it is why so many in the world feel empty or are searching to fill some void.

So I thought about what the best and most immediate methods for changing those thoughts might be, and how we can most easily and directly shift our relationship with God. I wrote this little prayer that can serve as a reminder to come to God in our best form, thinking the very best of ourselves, so that we might remember our own perfection and thereby connect with God more effectively. Say this when you pray and it will set up a new avenue of positive connection and will open you more readily to the pure love that God always showers upon us, if we will only learn to accept it and believe that we deserve it:

The Prayer of the Beautiful:

God, thank you for creating me in perfection, and for helping me see my own beauty when I turn to fear or doubt about who I am, who you created me to be. Help me to see my beauty in each moment, knowing that you love every part of me, even the things that I have come to think of as bad. You know why those thoughts are there, and know what their purpose is or what challenges I have faced, and you are with me always in helping me remember. Help me also to see the beauty in others, and in every situation which I am presented, feeling gratitude for every experience, knowing that You and your angels are my guides. I promise to seek to see good in everything and everyone, knowing that doing so will show me the way home to You, the way to eternal joy. Amen.

Say this in your prayers and feel yourself lift up, feel the empowerment that comes with it, and then use that energy to fuel you to do something good for the world. Share that light another in your kindness, in your willingness to see each person as beautiful, just like you.

Have a blessed and joyous day. You are beautiful...So choose to see beauty, and behave beautifully.


Anonymous said...

thanks, I needed this today because I having been doing exactly that...focusing on my own flaws and mistakes, rather than my own goodness and God given beauty

Sherri said...

Try to "retrain" yourself to see the good. That is what God sees, and when you think like God thinks and see like God sees, you are aligned with Him, and all manner of miracles will come from that.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. Well written prayer that I wish all could use.

lori emmons said...

thank for that very uplifting prayer i I really needed a prayer like that in my life at this time God bless Lori

Anonymous said...

Your entire premise is anti-Christian and 100 percent rebellion if you are aware at all of the bible - the whole bible, not the parts that you use to support your doctrine. Your first sentence on Amazon is something to the effect of people wanting to become more. That's not biblical at all. Also, in this post, "our" goodness. The bible (the Word of God) teaches us that there is not one of us good, not even one. That is suppression, it's truth. You are in denial and rebellion and the laws of God will happen with or without your permission. Your feel good message is not theology and your attempt to make it so because the Hays, Dyers, Chopras etc made the connection does not mean it's true. Your intention is good, your information is spiritually rebellious and if you continue to choose to make someone or something else other than the authority, which is God of the bible, you will be subject to God's wrath not only for yourself but leading others astray. The most recent EVIDENCE that the bible is true is the reestablishment of Israel after it disappeared in 70ad. The bible said there would be a nation of Israel and in 1948 - poof - nation of Israel. And he also said the nation would not accept Jesus as the Messiah - and they don't. If you wish to discount the bible, you are under the law and I would not want to be you on the day of Judgement - which will come. Regardless if your mind cannot perceive the personality of God, dismissing it puts you under your own authority or the feel good message - which no against feeling good, but it's false security. Humble yourself and get in the word before you preach a false gospel is my recommendation - or seperate the psychology from the theology. You can make people feel good without packaging it as God, which it's not. This time on earth is short, and you eternity is eternity. Fear is not a bad thing. Humility is not a bad thing. The biblical version. Spinning the REALITY of the Word is going to hurt you and I would seriously begin UNDERSTANDING and READING the bible. Yeah, God is love. He's also judgement and righteousness, and wrath. It's not a la carte. Feel good for a lifetime, be dead in eternity. Not a good trade-off. The reason people like you and your masses shun the bible is because it's rebellion, they know it because it's imprinted on everyone's heart the ways of God.

Anonymous said...

Nothing has changed since Adam and Eve. The penalty is death. Sin is not a small mistake, it was enough for God to send himself (son) to be sacrificed, to death, physical, painful suffering to absorb the world's sin to reconcile the world unto Himself. Yes, God may seem like a violent maniac to our small minds because who would do this? We are not God, and THIS life is not the ultimate or final destination. Repent of sin by knowing God's will and purpose and pray for mercy, guidance and grace. That's the truth and everything in the bible will come to pass so I would come to know as much as possible and implement it in your life if you care about eternity. If not, just take your feel good message and mislead the sheep AWAY from God (of the bible - which is the only one and is a proven factual harmonious book - and suffer the consequences. The bible says false prophets will suffer for leading the sheep away from Him. The God you write about is a false God. It's like describing Adolph Hitler as Mother Teresa. I know you won't post this, but, this message you have heard and therefore, your knowledge of the word and declining the Word (the bible) is furthermore added unto you on the Day of Judgement. I specifically pointed out the prophecy of Israel because it's recent enough history that you may consider the infallible proof of the bible. How can you explain a prophecy of thousands of years ago occurring EXACTLY as stated being fulfilled? One reason - not lottery, not computer, not a guess - the Word of God. The End is near and my sincere advice is seperate your work from theology and package it as psychology - same effect without being under God's wrath.

Sherri said...

I had not seen the last 2 comments from "anonymous" on 5/11/2011, so I will respond briefly. I believe that God is love and I believe that is the essence of the message of Jesus. My post is about appreciating the beautiful creation that God made (which is includes each of us). You may interpret God or the Bible your way, you may believe that it can only mean one thing, or that nothing in its writing could have been shadowed by the hand of men, but I believe that if we stick to the central message of loving one another that we will not only be following God's true will for us, but will be honoring His creation of the earth by making it a more peaceful and beautiful place, and honoring each living being in the same way.

Love and light to you.

Unknown said...

I thought it was going to be some boring old post, but it really compensated for my time.HOW TO MANIFEST MIRACLE